Time passes...I forget about blogging. I have so much to say and never any time. Christmas was great. Even though the impending doom of my birthday is looming I am feeling pretty good. I am trying to get over all the reasons to hate my birthday.
1. I am getting old.
2. I never really ever had much celebration of the day. My family never made a very big deal about it and I guess I never feel its important enough for anyone to really care.
3. I am getting old.
4. Jan. 6th 1999 my grandfather died. I don't remember much but I remember that. He had a massive stroke and starved to death. Living wills are great but that part of one is horrible. The funeral director insisted the funeral be on my birthday the 11th...my family said no way (my cousin shares my birthday too) and instead had the funeral on the 12th...so really the thought was there but it doesn't make the memory go away.
5. I am getting old.
6. The last company I worked for had birthday celebrations for all of the employees. Somehow mine was forgotten every year. One year it was remembered BUT it snowed and no one came to work.
7. I am getting old.
8. I think I see wrinkles, I dye my hair before it grows out to make sure I never see gray.
9. Last year my boss died the day after my birthday. Same day that my grandpas funeral 10 years to the day...hows that for an oddity? I guess at least it wasn't "on" my birthday but well...I wish he were still alive none the less.
10. Well, I just dislike it. It reminds me that I am getting old. I really should be grateful to see another birthday. My family has made efforts the last few years to make it a nice day. I appreciate it I really do. I know it could always be worse. Maybe that is my fear, that it will be worse. I am just crossing my fingers that no one dies next month. So January, please be nice to me. I have always been fond of you.
I will try to blog about my past year later...if I remember!