Over his life span hes had a few things we've needed checked out.
At birth he didn't want to suck. He wasn't eating from a bottle or otherwise. We had a special nurse come in and show us how to rub his chin and get him to suck our finger. Luckily he picked up on it right away. Sharp contrast to my daughter who was born with hickies on her hands and arms from sucking herself before birth.
At 1-2 mos old we noticed his head had become very mis-shaped. Dramatically flat in the back. At 4 mos we went to Childrens Hospital in Seattle to meet with a specialist in tort. She said he had it and sent us to PT and referred him for helmet therapy. He started PT right away and his PT said she didn't seen any sign of tort. She did say he had low muscle tone. At the time it seemed like an odd diagnosis. But since he was bloblike we kept going. He was already behind for his age.
He got a helmet at 6 mos old, almost a year ago. He wore it until April so about 4 months. It does seem to have helped but his head is far from perfect. His ears stick out a little and there are odd bumps in the back. Better than it was for sure.
About the same time, he was sent to get an upper GI because he was gagging on most of his food. He didn't want to chew or seem to chew. He was still behind on milestones, he wasn't yet sitting alone. He fell into a negative 5 on the growth scale. He was not gaining and growing as fast as other kids. They found nothing wrong.
He had been asked to be apart of a research study for plagio and brachio patience through Childrens Hospital. They did a not sedated MRI and also found nothing wrong. He has a follow up with them next month to evaluate any changes in the last year.
He still continued(s) to go to PT and most recently was diagnosed with rolling ankles. On November 14 he got SureStep braces to wear on his ankles. Less than one week later he started walking on his own. Hes very wobbly but is doing well.
Hes been to a neurologist twice, and goes again in January. He will see another pediatric specialist next week and also starts speech therapy as well.
I am sure there is much more I am leaving out that is not coming to me at the moment.
About the time we were told about his ankles it was made aware to us that our son does not have a bunch of little issues. He has one thing that has caused everything. Of course we are devistated to not know what could have caused this. We blamed ourselves some how. I have been doing some research about a couple drugs I was given to stop labor and one of them has come up on several occasions to cause hypotonia. Of course some say it couldnt have. I have 3 children, the first 2 have not had anything medically wrong with them what so ever. They are both even in advanced classes in school. They rarely have to visit the doctor because they hardly are even sick with colds.
The medicine that I have discovered is Magnesium Sulfate. It was given to me at an out of town hospital I was admitted to for contractions at about 30 weeks gestation. We were visiting family when I kept getting contractions. I knew I wasnt going to have the baby. It wasn't time. They gave me tributaline, niphedapine and lastly an IV of Magnesium Sulfate. That was the most horrid experience of my life. They strapped me to the bed and I felt like the bride of Frankenstien as the vile medicine entered my blood. I wish I would have said no. I wasn't dilating but you know when you are being told stuff by the doctors you trust you want to do whats right for your baby. I was worried he would try to come early, they were too...I had 2 steroid shots to help the lungs develope. After 2 days and several meds later I found out they never called my doctor. I called her and she was upset they gave me what they did. She did dismiss my fears that the meds could harm the baby...and until recently I didn't think they had.
Now that we "know" even though we have no proof we do feel we know the cause. I do hope that it resolves itself on its own and he has no life long learning problems or muscle issues as he grows. Here are some links in case anyone else is in our situation.
I am sure there is a ton I am leaving out.
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