Two years ago when my third child was born I remember thinking how fast they grow up. I barely remember time passing by so fast as the older kids have grown. We both told Graydon not to grow up too fast. I remember telling Brandon how I wish Graydon would stay little longer than his siblings. Well fast forward, maybe I shouldn't have made that wish. Now he is two and has fallen off the growth charts because of his failure to thrive. I feel some guilt having made that wish after he was born.
Today we had his appointment with the Neuroscience person. I am so tired of repeating the story each time. I am seriously thinking of writing a summary to hand to each new person we go to. I always feel I am forgetting to mention something. It seemed much of the same thing, same questions his doctor, physical therapists, speech evaluators, the neurologist, nutritionists and all the other specialists ask. Yes we know hes it a big deal? What else should we expect in the future? What has caused this? This has been ongoing since the day he was born and he could not suck the nipple on his bottle. So everything today was the same...until the end. She stated that his head circumference has fallen off the chart. This is something that has always been normal size as the rest of him is smaller. She wants to follow up with his neurolgist and find out what blood work has already been done. Then order some more. He needs a hearing test, I know this is not at all the issue. He can hear the smallest noise across the house. He needs to see another neutritionist. Sure, if it can get him to eat fruit and drink juice great. Doubt you can force a 2 year old to consume anything they don't want too. So all we came away with is there is something wrong, yes we know that, and we need more follow up and more people to see...yay for us.
On the plus side we are getting great news from our new PT. She thinks hes doing very well on catching up and would like to focus more on speech. This was very nice to know. All the hard work has paid off. I feel bad we will be leaving his current PT soon but I think this change will be good for his development.
More to come...
1 comment:
My 3rd child has been diagnosed with FTT. I said the same thing... he was my last baby and I wished he could stay that way. Sometimes it makes you wonder huh? :)
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