It's really hard to talk about sometimes. I wonder if there isn't more I should be doing? I have finally had to admit (to myself) that G is not going to be ready for mainstream school next fall. Not only is he super small, he just doesn't understand things other kids do. I am so tired of fighting teachers and doctors who's response is mostly "he'll be fine". You really cannot expect my child to wash his hands and get in a line without a reminder. He can't color or write his name. He doesn't even want to try because his little flexible hands can't maneuver pens and such. Then there is the whole can't smell do we cope with this? How do we teach him that other people can smell things and he never will? How do we teach other people that he has no idea what a flower smells like, or home made cookies? How did he bond to us as an infant without smelling? Did it happen later? Was he 1 or 2? Did he fall and hit his head to cause this? Was he born that way? It's really hard not to just cry for him. How can I fix this? I am trying so hard to be strong and fix everything that comes up to make life normal for him but how can I make this better? Could be worse, it can always be worse. What if there is a fire? He can't smell the smoke. Maybe we should avoid a home with gas in it, he could never spot a gas leak. How as a mom can I make this better?
He got sick over the weekend. Not sick sick just noticed he lost his appetite, well what he has of one. He went almost 24 hours without urinating. After a trip to urgent care and a rash and ER visit later we have nothing. I am hoping it was indeed nothing. Still can't get him to eat much. Do I sit on him just to shove a few bites of turkey in his mouth? I hate when people judge that you are a horrible parent based on what you feed your kid. I find it awesome you can get your kid to eat some tofu and organic juice. Mine won't even drink juice or eat vegetables. Of course now knowing he has anosmia and can't smell anything makes more sense as to why he won't eat things that are pretty normal for even a picky child. But again, how do I fix this? This could be another reason for FTT but why? Why? I just want some answers. I just want a reason. Something to point us in the right direction, a reason that will allow him some extra attention in school. I worry now even more. But I am just happy that he is such an awesome kid. Even when he should be feeling pain and discomfort he will smile and appreciate the music in his heart. I just want to make things easier for him. Just not sure how...