Sunday, July 5, 2009

My son is full of shit...

Literally. Xray proves it. Again. *sigh*

Now we have seen a specialist in neurodevelopment, another nutritionist and a feeding specialist. Really how many nutritionists can give us advice. We know. But he will only eat what he wants.

He's been waking up screaming. Hes been having screaming fits occasionally during the day. Another call to the doctor who seemed concerned but couldn't fit him in. So we see another available doctor. Diagnosis...Doctor: your son is having night terrors and throwing tantrums. Me: Really? No not him. Hes in pain, trust me I am his mom. I know his pain cry, his mad cry, his scared cry. Doctor: No really its normal for kids to have night terrors at (barely) 2 years old. And maybe he has some small bug that is making him fussy. WTFE... Leave frustrated.

Happens again. During the day. Not sleeping. Wide awake. I even record it with the camera. Screams for an hour. Home alone with him. I put him in the car, screaming all the way 3 miles to urgent care. (No way will I get a hold of the regular clinic at 4pm on a Friday) Nice Nurse we saw before: Did they test him for Crohons? Me: Nope they blew that off before I finished my sentence. Her: really? Me: Yep. Last told hes having night terrors. Her: NO way. Kids that age don't normally have night terrors without some kind of trauma. You should take him to Children's. I will write up that he needs a full work up on Crohons and stomach issues.

One hour later at Children's ER. He's stopped screaming, thankfully but yet I wonder if they will believe me. He has a slight fever. They take us back. Nurse comes in asks basic run down...the doctor came in. I proceeded to tell her about the last visit and how upset I am that I was just told it was night terrors. She let me finish then said...well I am going to have to agree with that doctor. Me: what? Doctor: well it is normal. Crohons would be more far fetched. Me: Um, I hate to disagree but well I do. Hes not having night anything. Hes not having tantrums. Doctor: Well he is 2 now, tantrums are normal. Me: not for him, hes a mild, mellow child. He does NOT have tantrums. Nurse came in to take us to xray. Doctor: we'll talk more when hes back from xray.

Waiting, waited, waits...finally doctor comes back in. Sits down quietly and... Doctor: Well I am not sure what his xray looked like 2 months ago when he was here but hes still very constipated and has large amounts of stool in his intestines. Xray shows "Large Intestine Fecal Burden" Me: speechless. Doctor: it does take time for it to all come out. He is probably having pain. Me: Yeah I KNEW it wasnt night terrors. Doctor: well we could do something they call poop dynomite but we don't recommend it. You should keep things going as you are and it will clear up eventually, like in a year. Me: so what he is pooping now is poop from 6 months ago. Doctor: well yeah it would seem that way. Me: what else can we give him for pain. Doctor: well nothing, you can add maalox 1 tsp five times a day. Me: 5 times a day? Doctor: Yes. Other than that you just wait. Have a nice weekend.

Now...I was so shocked that he was STILL that constipated I couldn't even pull my thoughts together after sitting in the room alone with him for 3 hours. I leave, kind of in shock but thankfully my friends and Brandon (who was at work) helped me cope with the questions in my head.

Our struggle now is the pain he goes through AND his decreasing desire to eat much of anything. Even the things he previously loved. His lack of appetite scares us. How long can he waste away? He may weight 21 lbs now but at least 3 lbs is probably poop.

I had a call from the hospital asking how hes doing. Of course I said um the same still constipated. I did ask about doing frequent xrays to check on progress. She agreed. I asked what else can be done and she explained a procedure. They put a fluid, same fluid that they use for colonoscopy's directly into his stomach. This gets things soft and moving. I need to discuss this with his doctor. Just not sure if I can get through and actually see her. Also plan to bring this up with the neurodevelopmental specialist. This is why.

Obviously hes failing to thrive. Hes not absorbing nutrition. Hes barely eating. This is probably because his stomach/intestines are full of crap. Possibly pushing on his stomach. Think pregnancy. When you're pregnant the baby pushes on your stomach, and everything else. This could be happening to him? This could be causing a lack of appetite. He doesn't want to eat because hes associating it with pain later. Until this is fixed we cannot find out what caused it to become so bad.

I guess we need answers. And a parent knows their kid. Why won't people believe us?

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