Thursday, August 6, 2009

Quick Update

I will have to go in more detail later but he spent a day (July 9 - 10) in the hospital with a tube into his tummy getting him cleaned out finally. Now hes still on daily laxative to keep it from getting blocked again. No potty training for a long while though. Hopefully he will stay clean. Not sure when we will find out why he has this problem.

Part 2 update he had an MRI this week because his head is not growing. (along with the rest of him) Scary because they had to sedate him, put him under using the same stuff Michael Jackson used before he died. The MRI came back fine and clean. Which is really good because it rules out a whole lotta bad. Now he will go back for a follow up growth evaluation in a couple months.

Anyway between school and work I am totally swamped. Hopefully I can catch up soon!

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