Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I suck...

Time passes...I forget about blogging. I have so much to say and never any time. Christmas was great. Even though the impending doom of my birthday is looming I am feeling pretty good. I am trying to get over all the reasons to hate my birthday.

1. I am getting old.
2. I never really ever had much celebration of the day. My family never made a very big deal about it and I guess I never feel its important enough for anyone to really care.
3. I am getting old.
4. Jan. 6th 1999 my grandfather died. I don't remember much but I remember that. He had a massive stroke and starved to death. Living wills are great but that part of one is horrible. The funeral director insisted the funeral be on my birthday the family said no way (my cousin shares my birthday too) and instead had the funeral on the really the thought was there but it doesn't make the memory go away.
5. I am getting old.
6. The last company I worked for had birthday celebrations for all of the employees. Somehow mine was forgotten every year. One year it was remembered BUT it snowed and no one came to work.
7. I am getting old.
8. I think I see wrinkles, I dye my hair before it grows out to make sure I never see gray.
9. Last year my boss died the day after my birthday. Same day that my grandpas funeral 10 years to the day...hows that for an oddity? I guess at least it wasn't "on" my birthday but well...I wish he were still alive none the less.
10. Well, I just dislike it. It reminds me that I am getting old. I really should be grateful to see another birthday. My family has made efforts the last few years to make it a nice day. I appreciate it I really do. I know it could always be worse. Maybe that is my fear, that it will be worse. I am just crossing my fingers that no one dies next month. So January, please be nice to me. I have always been fond of you.

I will try to blog about my past year later...if I remember!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I always think of things to blog about but then when I sit down I forget. I think old age has hit me. Then again it could be that I try to fit a whole buffet on my saucer size plate and I just can't keep it all in my head.

I own 5 calendars. One on my desk at work, one on the computer at work, one I carry in my purse, another I carry in my bag, then another on my phone and actually 3 on the walls in the room I am sitting...wait that is 9? The one on my phone is attached to the one in my computer. I am a scheduler but not a great one.

In fact, I should be doing 2 assignments, applying for jobs because they say I have too, even though I am employed. I never hear back from any of these jobs anyway. And I suppose I do try, because I cannot do much half assed.

Time is wasting and so is the day...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I can't believe people sometimes...

This story irritates me. People playing God, thinking they should impose their beliefs on others.

Last week I kind of "got into it" with a family member over gay rights. He kept quoting the bible as the all knowing source but he had no idea what it means. He said I was not doing what God wants me to by correcting anyone's unbiblical behavior before me. Seriously? When did God make me apart of his police department? I think religion is great for those who need it. Some of us know right and wrong without having a bible hit us to correct what we may or may not do. I attribute that to my parents, not being in church every Sunday for 30 years. Maybe this is why I have denounced organized religion in my older years. I have sat in church too many times to see people act one way, only to leave and go on the next week to act a total other way. Now I am not saying everyone that goes to church is like this. You know who you are. There are some wonderful, but few, people in churches, but the majority doesn't make it worth my while to sit there. The good Christians know what I am talking about too. We all know how guilty of sin each one of us is. Why these men decide they know what is best for the rest of us, I have no idea.

In that article it says the one man was divorced he already broke his vows. Doesn't matter the reason. He broke his sacrament of marriage. Who is he to fight for or against others to have the same sacrament? Liars. As soon as the state/government started issuing marriage certificates it no longer became a church/bible/God issue. The truly religious will denounce being married by the government in that case. Or maybe the government should just change the name of marriage to partnership, for everyone. I would rather have a partnership with my husband than a marriage.

Well this is just part one because I have more to say but have ran out of time...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Well well well...

I keep forgetting I have a blog. Sometimes when I am in the car or laying in bed awake, too early to get up I think about blogs I should write. Then I get up or get where I am going and forget, or just run out of time to do it. Even as I type now I have a 2 year old getting his Spongebob plate from the dishwasher and saying "Bob eat". Time to make a pancake even though its 6:29 am and hes NEVER up this early.

Now he is happy with his pancake and Bob plate. I am so happy he wants to eat I drop everything to feed him when hes hungry. Hes doing better at least from where hes been. Hes becoming more like a 2 year old and less like a one year old. Even though hes almost 2 and a half. He still has bowel issues and has to have medicine daily. They haven't wanted to figure out that problem yet and our next visit to Children's isnt for another month. Hope to push the issue more then now that his intestines are probably getting back to normal.

Kait needs to get up soon. Little miss student council has a meeting this morning. Shes quite the social child.

Taylor is quite the opposite. Hes happier being in his room or with select friends.

Their dad has given me grief lately. He thinks the world revolves around him. His dad was the same way when it came to his other kids. They should take the time to visit him or put him first. Why, when he doesn't do that for them? Hes never been a hands on dad. He expects them to be so happy to hear from him when he never takes the time to pay any attention to them. They call and he doesn't answer. I got them their own phones so he can call each of them whenever he wants. But yet he still finds ways to make it my fault. But I am used to that. I am not happy when he outright blames them. He makes me so mad at his attitude towards his kids. How can a parent be like that? I would move mountains for my children. I don't understand him. How his poor drunk wife is so much more important. He drops everything for his parents but hes never been there for his kids so they will never be the same towards him. Anyway before that makes me more angry.

School is keeping me busy, on top of everything else. Sometimes I cannot keep up. Or I feel that way. I do get overwhelmed. I wish I didn't. I wish I handled things better. I get too much into my own head and start to lose it a little. Always being on the go doesn't help. I need a vacation in my own home. Heh.

Well since I really don't have time to blog, I am taking time away from dressing and getting ready for work. The weather is turning bad, its going to be a long winter!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Quick Update

I will have to go in more detail later but he spent a day (July 9 - 10) in the hospital with a tube into his tummy getting him cleaned out finally. Now hes still on daily laxative to keep it from getting blocked again. No potty training for a long while though. Hopefully he will stay clean. Not sure when we will find out why he has this problem.

Part 2 update he had an MRI this week because his head is not growing. (along with the rest of him) Scary because they had to sedate him, put him under using the same stuff Michael Jackson used before he died. The MRI came back fine and clean. Which is really good because it rules out a whole lotta bad. Now he will go back for a follow up growth evaluation in a couple months.

Anyway between school and work I am totally swamped. Hopefully I can catch up soon!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My son is full of shit...

Literally. Xray proves it. Again. *sigh*

Now we have seen a specialist in neurodevelopment, another nutritionist and a feeding specialist. Really how many nutritionists can give us advice. We know. But he will only eat what he wants.

He's been waking up screaming. Hes been having screaming fits occasionally during the day. Another call to the doctor who seemed concerned but couldn't fit him in. So we see another available doctor. Diagnosis...Doctor: your son is having night terrors and throwing tantrums. Me: Really? No not him. Hes in pain, trust me I am his mom. I know his pain cry, his mad cry, his scared cry. Doctor: No really its normal for kids to have night terrors at (barely) 2 years old. And maybe he has some small bug that is making him fussy. WTFE... Leave frustrated.

Happens again. During the day. Not sleeping. Wide awake. I even record it with the camera. Screams for an hour. Home alone with him. I put him in the car, screaming all the way 3 miles to urgent care. (No way will I get a hold of the regular clinic at 4pm on a Friday) Nice Nurse we saw before: Did they test him for Crohons? Me: Nope they blew that off before I finished my sentence. Her: really? Me: Yep. Last told hes having night terrors. Her: NO way. Kids that age don't normally have night terrors without some kind of trauma. You should take him to Children's. I will write up that he needs a full work up on Crohons and stomach issues.

One hour later at Children's ER. He's stopped screaming, thankfully but yet I wonder if they will believe me. He has a slight fever. They take us back. Nurse comes in asks basic run down...the doctor came in. I proceeded to tell her about the last visit and how upset I am that I was just told it was night terrors. She let me finish then said...well I am going to have to agree with that doctor. Me: what? Doctor: well it is normal. Crohons would be more far fetched. Me: Um, I hate to disagree but well I do. Hes not having night anything. Hes not having tantrums. Doctor: Well he is 2 now, tantrums are normal. Me: not for him, hes a mild, mellow child. He does NOT have tantrums. Nurse came in to take us to xray. Doctor: we'll talk more when hes back from xray.

Waiting, waited, waits...finally doctor comes back in. Sits down quietly and... Doctor: Well I am not sure what his xray looked like 2 months ago when he was here but hes still very constipated and has large amounts of stool in his intestines. Xray shows "Large Intestine Fecal Burden" Me: speechless. Doctor: it does take time for it to all come out. He is probably having pain. Me: Yeah I KNEW it wasnt night terrors. Doctor: well we could do something they call poop dynomite but we don't recommend it. You should keep things going as you are and it will clear up eventually, like in a year. Me: so what he is pooping now is poop from 6 months ago. Doctor: well yeah it would seem that way. Me: what else can we give him for pain. Doctor: well nothing, you can add maalox 1 tsp five times a day. Me: 5 times a day? Doctor: Yes. Other than that you just wait. Have a nice weekend.

Now...I was so shocked that he was STILL that constipated I couldn't even pull my thoughts together after sitting in the room alone with him for 3 hours. I leave, kind of in shock but thankfully my friends and Brandon (who was at work) helped me cope with the questions in my head.

Our struggle now is the pain he goes through AND his decreasing desire to eat much of anything. Even the things he previously loved. His lack of appetite scares us. How long can he waste away? He may weight 21 lbs now but at least 3 lbs is probably poop.

I had a call from the hospital asking how hes doing. Of course I said um the same still constipated. I did ask about doing frequent xrays to check on progress. She agreed. I asked what else can be done and she explained a procedure. They put a fluid, same fluid that they use for colonoscopy's directly into his stomach. This gets things soft and moving. I need to discuss this with his doctor. Just not sure if I can get through and actually see her. Also plan to bring this up with the neurodevelopmental specialist. This is why.

Obviously hes failing to thrive. Hes not absorbing nutrition. Hes barely eating. This is probably because his stomach/intestines are full of crap. Possibly pushing on his stomach. Think pregnancy. When you're pregnant the baby pushes on your stomach, and everything else. This could be happening to him? This could be causing a lack of appetite. He doesn't want to eat because hes associating it with pain later. Until this is fixed we cannot find out what caused it to become so bad.

I guess we need answers. And a parent knows their kid. Why won't people believe us?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fairwell Jacko, My Michael Memories

I remember when I was but 12 years old and I had some money left from some holiday or birthday and I decided to buy my first ever real record. I had records, but they were of the children's variety mostly, Disco Mickey Mouse, sound track to Lady and the Tramp and a Sesame Street one. I played them on my little blue suitcase player. I did have an Elvis record that I bought a yard sale at the neighbors of my grandparents. I also bought a pogo stick that day too. That was the best $2 that I ever spent!

My mom took me to Bi-Mart which was probably the closest thing we had to us that sold records. She rarely would venture to a mall or even past 16th Avenue. I remember the excitement of getting this new music that I had only heard on the radio. Also the only pop radio station only played music from 6 am to 8 pm. I had a little tape player, the flat conference room kind, nothing like a boom box. Strictly mono, no stereo. I would hold it next to an old clock radio and record my favorite songs that would play so I could listen to them later. It was surely the cool item to have for a 12 year old, at least I thought so at the time.

The background of the record cover was black with a guy wearing a white suit on the cover. It was so shiny and he almost glowed off the cover because his outfit was so white on the black background and his ebony skin. The glow of the white in his eyes surrounding the pupil was piercing. His skin so smooth looking. His hair perfect with these tiny little curls, one dangling just right over his forehead.

I was almost afraid to tear open the cellophane. I really didn't want to ruin the perfect package, but I couldn’t wait even to get home before I did. I was in awe at the picture I found inside as the album cover folded out. it was similar to the cover but a beautiful animal was next to him, a baby tiger. They both glowed off the page.

I listened to that record over and over. My parents thought I was nuts. I loved all the songs, each one and memorized the words. I especially loved his duets with Paul McCartney. I always loved the Beatles and since my music limits up to that point was that of my parents record collection, the Beatles were a better choice than that of Willie Nelson and Ann least to a 12 year old.

The summer of that year I had a slumber party. These were the days when people didn't own VCR's. You rented one and some movies at the store. It was probably pretty expensive. I got to choose 3 movies. My friends and I chose Friday the 13th, The Last Unicorn, (good combo huh?) and The Making of Thriller! I remember we must have watched Thriller about a dozen times before we returned it. Friday the 13th only got played once and it scared the bajezzus out of us! We watched The Last Unicorn after that to clear our minds so we could eventually sleep.

Michael Jackson was such a big deal when I was 12. I had to get all the magazines, news clippings and anything he happened to be in. I had a stalker like collection. He was the Hanson or Jonas Brothers of my day. I even had earrings with his picture. I had the peechee folder and for Christmas my parents bought me the Barbie-like MJ doll. Yeah over the top much? I still have that stuff in a box somewhere. My dad called me yesterday and said "Yanno that doll we got you will probably be worth something now!" My parents were never fans...

I don't know what cause me not to be such a big fan. I just kind of stopped. I think it was the last sort of celebrity that I ever had an obsession with. I don't know if the allegations are true. One may think that there was something not right with the man. He had a horrible childhood and maybe that contributed to his self mutilation via surgery. Maybe it was true maybe it wasn't. I really don't know what to think of that. The Michael Jackson I remember as 12 year old innocent girl was to me an entirely different person than the Jacko of recent years. Especially since his looks have dramatically changed. He no longer resembles the glowing figure on the cover of the Thriller album. He instead looked more like a caricature of himself. These are my Michael memories...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Be careful what you wish for....

Two years ago when my third child was born I remember thinking how fast they grow up. I barely remember time passing by so fast as the older kids have grown. We both told Graydon not to grow up too fast. I remember telling Brandon how I wish Graydon would stay little longer than his siblings. Well fast forward, maybe I shouldn't have made that wish. Now he is two and has fallen off the growth charts because of his failure to thrive. I feel some guilt having made that wish after he was born.

Today we had his appointment with the Neuroscience person. I am so tired of repeating the story each time. I am seriously thinking of writing a summary to hand to each new person we go to. I always feel I am forgetting to mention something. It seemed much of the same thing, same questions his doctor, physical therapists, speech evaluators, the neurologist, nutritionists and all the other specialists ask. Yes we know hes it a big deal? What else should we expect in the future? What has caused this? This has been ongoing since the day he was born and he could not suck the nipple on his bottle. So everything today was the same...until the end. She stated that his head circumference has fallen off the chart. This is something that has always been normal size as the rest of him is smaller. She wants to follow up with his neurolgist and find out what blood work has already been done. Then order some more. He needs a hearing test, I know this is not at all the issue. He can hear the smallest noise across the house. He needs to see another neutritionist. Sure, if it can get him to eat fruit and drink juice great. Doubt you can force a 2 year old to consume anything they don't want too. So all we came away with is there is something wrong, yes we know that, and we need more follow up and more people to see...yay for us.

On the plus side we are getting great news from our new PT. She thinks hes doing very well on catching up and would like to focus more on speech. This was very nice to know. All the hard work has paid off. I feel bad we will be leaving his current PT soon but I think this change will be good for his development.

More to come...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A bit more revealed

Nothing too major. Got Graydon's referral, now we just need an appointment. Did find out why he was rushed to Childrens hospital...his white count was up and there was something else noted that could have meant his colin was dying due to lack of oxygen. I guess they had ruled it out once they examined him at CH. They may have done another blood test before I got there. So anyway, we are on the right track to getting him normal.

Hes been a very happy guy this week. He's definately feeling better. Hes laughing like he used too and chasing sister.

In other news the quarters is almost done and so far so good. 10 credits down and 80 more too go!

My mom has been very sick. She says she getting better but she doesnt sound better. I guess they did xrays on her yesterday. My grandmother broke her hip 3 weeks ago. Shes also not doing well, it seems she may have given up out of being old and lacking the effort to try to walk again.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

An update on G

I mentioned in a previous post about his diet and the problems. Well I don't remember how much I mentioned. He has been constipated most of his life. We first noticed a problem within a few weeks. They told us it was normal with the iron in formula. Told to give him more water. We took him in at about 4 months to discuss the issues. We were told to introduce cereal, oatmeal and fruits to try and give him variety to his diet. This didn't help as he would gag on the food.

Over the last year and a half we have brought him in for the constipation a half dozen times to have a discussion. We always had to see other doctors on call. They would say give him beans, prunes, juice and other things. Sadly the child is picky and likes what he likes. What he doesn't ends up on the floor.

In the last month things have gotten worse. He started getting a bad rash from constant "skid marks". I took him in to a doctor on call to get an opinion. She told me to use vasoline for his bum and to get his diet changed (again with the diet). If that meant holding him down to force a syringe of prune juice down his throat several times a day that is what we should do. We did try this a few times. It was bad enough we had to hold him down to clean his sore bum and the juice only seemed to choke him and make the rash worse. The next week he started random vomiting. He threw up once a day 5 days out of the week for a week. That Saturday I took him to the urgent care clinic where I finally saw someone that agreed there is more to his issue than constipation. She suggested a special pediatric GI specialist and mentioned it could even be Crohns Disease. I called his doctor that monday and she prescribed mirilax by phone. Said to give him a half cap a day and to come in a week and a half later. We did this. He still hadn't gone in 5 days when he kept having cramping that would double him over in pain and scream blood curdling screams.

He woke up screaming this morning early in pain. After not being able to calm him down we decided to take him to the ER for suggestions. This always happy baby has never screamed like this before. Once we got to the ER he had calmed a bit but continued to freak out once an hour. They took blood started an IV and sent him for xrays. We spent 2 and a half hours waiting for the results. The ER doctor came in to tell us he never seen a child as backed up as our little G. He said he wanted to have someone at Childrens take a look and he was making some calls. He said he wasn't sure what to do for him. A few minutes later he came told us that he arranged an ambulance to take him to CHS. We were utterly shocked and scared. Daddy went with him while I picked up bro and sissy to take them with us.

When we got there they hooked him up, took vitals and looked at his xrays and blood tests. They came and had us repeat his life story of hypotonia and suggested this was more than just a kid with constipation. The doctor at CHS said his xray was the most "impressive" (odd word choice) of a constipated child he'd ever seen. He was so backed up that an enima was dangerous. It would likely do more damage than good because his intestines are so stretched out. It will essentually be like giving birth once this stuff comes out. He is underweight as it is. They said the other alernative is a tube by mouth to get it soft from the other end. They want to wait a few days first and have us up the dose of the mirilax. We were told by both ER's that this is way overdue and he should have been on the laxitive from the beginning. They also suggested another underlying issue that hasn't been discovered. Something that is causing everything since birth. This is something Brandon and I have thought all along. Of course we are just parents with no medical degrees so what to we know?? But it is finally good news to have someone agree with us and point us in a direction. He will be referred to a special nuro department at CHS that will help find what the problem is. SO they can help prevent things in the future from becoming so bad before we get help with it. So now we are home and hes taking extra doses and hopefully it will all come out in the end...pun intended. Then we can get his intestines and digestive system working the way its supposed too. For now that is the story. Hopefully we will get some good news soon.

More to come...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The story of Graydon...

I posted a couple times about our little G and his medical issues. I know there are many other children out there with far worse things wrong with them. We are lucky to have a mostly healthy tot.

Anyhow hes always had minor issues. When he was first born he didn't want to suck. We ended up staying an extra day in the hospital to make sure he had learned to suck the bottle. He did catch on but it wasn't usual. Especially since my daughter was born with hickeys on her arms she gave herself in the womb. This was just the beginning of his problems. At 2 months old I noticed his head was flat. I brought it up at his 2 mos appointment and it was agreed to follow didn't get better and he was put in a helmet for plagiocephaly at 6 mos old. He started physical therapy at 4 months. He had issues at 6 mos gagging on baby food and swallowing solids. An upper GI showed no issue. They attributed it to his low muscle tone or hypotonia and delayed milestones. He was also a late crawler not crawling till he was a year old. He didn't pull himself up till 16 mos and didn't walk till 18 mos after being fitted for orthotics for his ankles that he currently wears. His ankle bone moves to the back of his foot and these are supposed to correct it in time. He is now getting around pretty well walking and almost running. He still doesn't say a lot of words and depsite a previous post is now going to have to start speech therapy. Otherwise hes a perfect, mellow little guy who has rarely been fussy his whole life. He may have phsyical delays but mentally hes as sharp and normal as anyone. He can also play the drums like a pro! I mean real drums too.

It took some time to realize that his issues have to all be related. Now we are on a quest to find out the cause. This will be noted in another update.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wow...tons of time has past

Since I last blogged. Lots has happened. I an currently running on little sleep.

My boss passed away the day after my birthday this year. It was crushing to me because I have worked for him for over 5 years and I am so sad about it. I haven't really let myself mourn. I just keep busy. I worry what I will do when it will do when it is my own parent. Things have changed a lot with the company and I know change can be good but I am worried that they haven't communicated with the people that have been there for so long to understand things. A little mushroom syndrome.

I did get a cut in hours which isn't so bad in the end because I am taking classes. I hate to say I feel that the company wont survive in its current state. I hope it does, its all we've known. I am little sad that the others are now gone.

There is a lot more but I need to sign off. Seems I never have much time for blogging or otherwise.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Helping the needy in our own backyard (AK)!

My BFF that I have known for more than 20 years needs some help, not just her but her entire village is struggling. They are without supplies, food and with no store close by to buy provisions. It is all explained below in her words. I am posting a letter she is sending out to ask for help for needy families in her village. Hope this explains the situation that is going on. Feel free to ask me any questions or email her directly. Anything would be of help to them. Thank you a lot for taking the time to read this!


Hi everyone,

It’s not just Emmonak that is struggling it’s the entire Yukon Delta. I live in Nunam Iqua, a village that is 25 miles south of Emmonak. Not only are we faced with the same issues as Emmonak but also our crisis is harder because we no longer have a store here. Our trading post collapsed several months ago, so we have no place here to get groceries.

So not only are we struggling between choosing heating fuel or food but also we have to spend even MORE MONEY to buy gas to travel upriver to Emmonak or Alakanuk to even get food. Which is very expensive when you have pay $7.20 a gallon for gas. It takes at least 6 gallons of gas just to travel by snowmachine to Emmonak or Alakanuk to even get groceries. So that takes that much more money away from what we have to spend on heating fuel and food.

We try to reduce our heating fuel costs by using our wood stove but then are we really saving money? because we still have to spend money on gas to go and get wood for our wood stove.

Everyone, especially Governor Palin, needs to realize that it’s not just Emmonak residents that are suffering! We need help in all of the YK Delta villages!

OK, I complied a list of everyone here in Nunam Iqua. I spoke to all but one household here and Have a list of what is needed. I got permission for my Youth Center to receive/distribute any donations that come in. So they can be mailed to:

Ann Strongheart
Nunam Iqua Program for Youth
c/o City of Nunam Iqua
101 Mudd Street
P.O. Box 26
Nunam Iqua, AK 99666

OR if you would like to send boxes directly to needy families I have a list of families including their family size and needs and their PO Box #’s you can email me at if you would like a copy.

Here is a list of things that are desperately needed, since we have no store here in Nunam Iqua we are really struggling to get food and groceries here.

Here’s the list:

Diapers Sizes 1, 3, & 6
Similac Advanced Formula Powder
Canned Evaporated Milk
Dry Powdered Milk
Powdered Eggs
Crackers ( Sailor Boy Pilot Bread unsalted tops are the most used here)
Rice (minute rice)
Peanut Butter
TOILET PAPPER (everyone is running out)
Coffee Creamer
Pancake Mix
Canned Vegetables
Dried Fruit
Instant Soups
Ramen Noodles
Cup a noodles

Just basic pantry staples. Even salt, pepper, etc.

OOH I just realized I forgot to put baby cereal and baby food on the list.

I would give you all some more information on the YK Delta.

It now costs $650 to fly from Emmonak to Anchorage round trip. For us to get to Emmonak from Nunam Iqua is an additional $150 so that’s $800 from Nunam to Anchorage and back.

Here in Nunam Iqua there are many families, myself included, who live in what could be described as shacks. Our house is 20′ x 30′ and is constructed out of plywood. It was built back in the 60’s and is very drafty and leaky LOL we use my 18 month old’s leftover diapers that are too small to catch the leaks when it’s raining or warms up. But we don’t have a choice, this is the only housing available, we rent it. It’s a choice between here or living with family and we would much rather have our own place, even tho it needs serious help.

Here in Nunam Iqua, we have no running water or sewer. They are currently building our water/sewer project and we hope to have running water/sewer this year or next. We are a honey bucket community, meaning we have 5 gallon buckets in our bathrooms with toilet seats on them.

Additionally, we have no roads here, no cars. We travel by snowmachine and 4-wheeler during the winter and by boat in the summer. We had a store here but it collapsed due to the rising energy costs.

We are currently paying $7.20 for a gallon of gas and $7.35 for a gallon of stove oil. The majority of homes here use stove oil for heat. Some of us have wood stoves to help keep the costs down.

We do have regular postal service here, depending on the ability of planes to make it in. The only way for supplies to arrive here is by plane or during the summer by barge. The majority of us live a subsistence lifestyle. Our major meat sources come from Fishing and Hunting. We also pick berries and wild greens during the summer/fall. We have nets under the ice on the river but the fish seem to be very slow coming this winter.

Oh yeah, Nunam Iqua is a village of about 200 people, located on the southern mouth of the Yukon. We got a brand new school this past summer so now our kids don’t have to brave the elements to make it to their classrooms and the gym to eat.

We currently have a City Office, a Tribal Office, the School, the Clinic, Laundrymat, Powerplant, Youth Center and Post Office available in Nunam.

I know this is going to sound funny but I am very grateful that it got cold again today. We had 36 degrees last night and were worried that it might start to affect the ice on the river and make it unsafe to travel but now we are back down to 9 degrees so no more worrying about the river.

The pike should start running soon so we will be able to take a 60 mile day trip by snowmachine to go catch pike and dry them assuming we can afford gas.

Ummm I don’t know what else to tell y’all but I thought I would give you an idea of what it’s like here in Nunam Iqua. We did have a very early freeze up this year and the last barge didn’t make it in. We are having temperatures ranging from
-25 degrees below zero to 30 above. Normally, we are consistently below zero this time of year.

Hope that gives y’all some information and answers some questions you might have about the YK Delta.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. We greatly appreciate it. Our weather is getting weird here, it got really hot here last night up to 36 degrees, if it keeps up we will be unable to travel upriver by snowmachine to get food, b/c the river will be unsafe to travel on.

Again if you have any questions or what more information please feel free to contact me at

I know there have been references to scams so please feel free to look us up online. Nunam Iqua Program for Youth. I was featured on NAC, Native America Calling last year addressing underage drinking in the Bush. And we are listed with the State of AK as one of their grantees. So you can verify the mailing address and email address I provided.

Sincerely grateful,
