Tuesday, October 14, 2008

16 months ago

My little man was born. Hes come so far, but very slow. I do get tired of people asking what is wrong with him. NOTHING is wrong. Hes just tiny. Hes just soft, low muscle tone is what they say. We caught it 14 months ago but its still there. His head is still a little misshaped but not as noticeable. Hes still not walking, but a lot of babies walk late. He goes to PT twice a month and he cruises around furniture. He crawls like a mad man, when we never thought he would crawl at all. He rolled around to get to anything he wanted. Hes a smart baby. He says a few words...he loves his cars and trucks. He can toss the ball right too you. He figures out how to get through any barrier we put up. He knows how to turn the PS3 on and off, even before I knew how to.

One day we wont even remember him being a little behind, or taking so long to walk. He will just be him. The happiest boy on the planet. Taking things apart, building his own computer at 9, playing drums in some rock band at 12 and being the apple of his daddy's eye.

From August08

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