Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Essay

Who am I? This is something I question quite often. I am Lisa J. Clark, parent, sibling, daughter, friend, employee, student, nurse, taxi, ATM, short order cook, mediator and probably a multitude of other things that could take up most of this page. To put it more simply I am just another human on this planet trying to make the right choices in life to take care of my family and keep living another day. That is the goal, correct?

I live in unincorporated King County in a home with my family. It’s not exactly the city, but according to my zip code I live in Renton. I haven’t always lived in Renton. About 6 years ago, I felt my life needed a change of direction. I needed a new path, the one I was on had come to an intersection to go right or left. I chose left, or westward and it was very empowering for me. I had never felt more in control of my own destiny than at that point in my life. I had always done what was expected of me. For once I did something for myself. I felt it was for the betterment of everyone, at least the ones I cared about. I have no regrets in my decision.

As the story goes, I grew up in a small town in the Yakima Valley. I went to school in Naches, but I lived in Gleed, a small town 7 miles east of Naches. That is where I spent my childhood and teen years. I stayed in the same area until 2003 when I packed up to move out west shortly after ending a 10-year marriage. I spend most of my time being a parent. Up until a year ago my world consisted of working full-time and raising my 3 kids with my current spouse.

February of 2008 my boss asked me to take over the bookkeeping duties in addition to marketing to help cut costs during the bad economy. He told me that he thought it was something I would be good at even though I didn’t have any real experience. Sadly, my boss suddenly died almost a year ago and the company more or less spiraled down. During the initial decline of the company and cuts in hours, I decided to take courses to learn more in the field my boss had encouraged me to try. I currently work part-time for another small company doing about the same job duties I was doing before and taking classes to get a degree in accounting. I chose GRCC based on the programs and proximity to my home. So far I enjoy my classes immensely and have learned a lot during the time I have been attending. I hope to finish and graduate by 2012, which is also the year my son will graduate from high school. I hope this helps me secure a better career that will give me the opportunity to pay for my children’s college educations. I also hope this will provide opportunities to travel and see places in the world I have only dreamed of visiting.

I have never really had the chance to develop or expand on any personal hobbies. I spend most of my time each day taking care of others and trying to get what needs to be done finished each day and I have neglected my own personal time. I have always had the attitude that as long as I am doing something to help my family, that is the only personal interest or hobby I need. It is my responsibility and duty as a parent. This is my story.

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