Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wow...tons of time has past

Since I last blogged. Lots has happened. I an currently running on little sleep.

My boss passed away the day after my birthday this year. It was crushing to me because I have worked for him for over 5 years and I am so sad about it. I haven't really let myself mourn. I just keep busy. I worry what I will do when it will do when it is my own parent. Things have changed a lot with the company and I know change can be good but I am worried that they haven't communicated with the people that have been there for so long to understand things. A little mushroom syndrome.

I did get a cut in hours which isn't so bad in the end because I am taking classes. I hate to say I feel that the company wont survive in its current state. I hope it does, its all we've known. I am little sad that the others are now gone.

There is a lot more but I need to sign off. Seems I never have much time for blogging or otherwise.

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